Unit 2 1.7 Explain how to erect a temporary shelter, making use of woodland materials

How to build a Lean To shelter


Take note of the direction of the wind before starting your woodland shelter. Face the opening away from oncoming winds.

Start the shelter by finding a Y shaped stick to use as a ridge pole. If you can't find one it is possible to place large sticks or branches against a standing tree.

Once the branches or sticks are in a solid position it is possible to add more sticks, weaving them as much as possible in order to make the structure stable. This then builds walls up around the structure.



Depending on what woodland materials are available, one can build thicker walls either using more sticks and branches or bracken and leaves.

Once the walls and roof are built up one can add leaves. These can be added to the floor and the walls. They will reduce water tightness, as well as warmth and comfort.

When adding bracken or leaves make sure that they face downwards, so that any rain water runs off the structure.
