We have achieved our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award 2022

We received the following email from the Keep Britain Tidy charity after we achieved our Eco-School Green Flag Award.


Fantastic work.

We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Newbold School have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag.

We reviewed your application and noted the following:

It’s great that you involved every year group in compiling your Environmental Review.  
Thank you for taking Part in the Big School Clean, overall we collected thousands of bags of litter! We would love to see your outcomes under the evaluations section of the Action Plan. We realise some of these might be longer term plans which carry over but just update progress so far.  
Everyone involved in Eco-Schools at your school should take immense pride from the parental quote provided. It's a great demonstration that you are going the extra mile to enable young people's passion for environmentalism and by doing so you are also enriching their school life!

Your Eco-Board is great. Your board is incredibly visual and engaging. We would like to see more of the programme such as minutes of meetings, Environmental Review, and Action Plan visually on the board which promotes your work and is another way to inform and involve. It’s good to see your Eco Committee members on the board. This is a great way to raise their esteem and make their schoolmates feel like they can approach them and get involved with your Eco-Schools work!

COVID has brought massive challenges to schools over the past few years, however, despite all the disruptions caused you have still placed environmentalism at the heart of what you do - planning impactful projects, making school exciting for pupils and educating about important issues! Take great confidence from the fact you have managed to succeed despite such challenging circumstances.   
We thought your Eco-Code was brilliant! It was punchy and really creative, setting out tangible and accessible calls to action your whole school can get behind!

Congratulations to everyone for the great work you have managed to do, especially throughout the pandemic and lockdown. You should all be very proud of your amazing work and the great application you have submitted.

