Our whole School Forest School - Fire Safety, Safe Starting and Extinguishing EYFS - Year 6


Our whole school Forest School was a great success this week. The children listened to some ‘Soul Fuel’ by Bear Grylls. They learnt about the fire triangle and the three components needed for a fire to burn and what happens if one of those parts is missing.

We learnt fire safety rules and then individual year groups set off for their individual challenges.

Early Years had to build their own shape fire with sticks they collected. Year 1 had to collect dry sticks for the fire and arrange them in size order. Year 2 had to strike the flint and steel and get a spark. Year 3 had to light a piece of cotton wool with the flint and steel. Year 4 had to build a mini fire and light it. Year 5 and 6 had to tend to the campfire and Year 6 had to extinguish the campfire. They were all amazing! The session was finished off with hot chocolate and singing around the campfire.
