Taking action on plastic waste at Newbold School


Beech News

What a fantastic science week we had. The children really looked closely at plastic pollution this week. We collected data on our own single use plastic habits by tracking how much single use plastic we used in a week. The children were surprised by the amount they used.

It was shocking to see where our rubbish ends up if we don’t recycle it. We saw plastic waste in our countryside, rivers and oceans. We knew this was very dangerous for wildlife so we decided to take action!

In Forest School we went on a plastic hunt in our local area. We took a short walk to the deer field to see if we could spot any plastic litter. Unfortunately, the children spotted a lot with their eagle eyes. We even found plastic buried underground. Luckily, I had some gloves on and I collected the rubbish into a bin bag. The children felt that they had made a positive contribution to helping the planet.
